Join us at the Family Medicine Celebration to transform health care to achieve optimal health for everyone.
The EveryONE Project: Advancing Health Equity in Every Community, presented by Venis Wilder, MD, a family physician from New York and American Academy of Family Physicians board member Gary LeRoy, MD, FAAFP, from Dayton, OH, will discuss social determinants of health (SDOH) such as economic stability, environment, education, and social connections and how they can lead to significant health care inequities.
Because family physicians work with people affected by SDOH every day, the AAFP developed a comprehensive package of tools called The EveryONE Project for physicians to better address these factors. Using case studies and implementation strategies, Drs. Wilder and LeRoy will share how physicians can use these tools in everyday practice to achieve optimal health for everyone.
- The scope of SDOH affects health, income, education, race, and geography
- How family physicians’ are building a culture that supports health equity through detection, understanding, providing solutions, and action
- The purpose and objectives of The EveryONE Project
- How to apply a health equity lens to clinical care
- Integrating a screening tool into clinical practice
- Developing strategies to strengthen community engagement.
You don’t want to miss this! Register now for the Family Medicine Celebration!
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Siegrist or call 800.742.7327.