Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Webinars & Resources
March 6, 2025 at Noon
Considerations for Refugee and Immigrant Patients in Lead Poisoning Prevention in Children |
March 19, 2025 at Noon
The Impact of Food Insecurity and Quality in Lead Poisoning Prevention in Children |
The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) is pleased to continue to partner with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and the Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP) to offer Lead-Free Ohio training.
Join us in March to delve into the following unique topics that impact the likelihood of lead poisoning and severity of exposure:
On Thursday, March 6, at Noon, Nicholas Newman, DO, MS, FAAP, and Roopa Thakur, MD, FAAP, will lead us through the one-hour session Considerations for Refugee and Immigrant Patients on Lead Poisoning Prevention in Children.
- Review screening guidelines for refugee health, including RHS-15.
- Examine differences between U.S.-based lead screening and international lead screening efforts.
- Utilize motivational interviewing to identify the patient and family’s social and medical needs.
- Discuss potential persistent lead poisoning sources in the home from cultural humility lens.
- Explore the Ohio AAP’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Toolkit.
On Wednesday, March 19, at Noon, Joel Davidson, MD, FAAP, and Jared LeBron, MHS, will present the one-hour session The Impact of Food Insecurity and Quality on Lead Poisoning Prevention in Children.
- Review current data related to lead contamination in shelf-stable foods.
- Examine comorbidities associated with lead poisoning and food insecurity.
- Differentiate between state and local resources available for safe, quality food sources for children in Ohio.
- Determine appropriate considerations and cautions when preparing food in the home.
- Explore the Ohio AAP’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Toolkit.
Register online today for these free webinars!
CME Accreditation
Application for continuing medical education credit (CME) will be filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determinations of credit is pending. Based on credit granted in the past, we anticipate approval of 1 live Prescribed CME credit for each webinar.
- Ohio law requires blood lead testing at 12 and 24 months of age for children insured by Medicaid or who live in a high-risk ZIP code
- Only 50% of children meeting these criteria are being tested currently
- There are state and local resources to support families with children who have lead poisoning
- Iron insufficiency increases children’s risk for lead poisoning.
Webinar Archive
Identify, Improve, Educate: Addressing Lead Exposure Risks in Primary Care
Learning Objectives:
CME Accreditation
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has reviewed the program Identify, Improve, Educate: Addressing Lead Exposure Risks in Primary Care and deemed it acceptable for up to 1 Enduring Materials, Self-Study AAFP Prescribed credit. Term of approval is from February 1, 2024, to Monday, March 31, 2025. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association (AMA) as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). When applying for the AMA PRA, Prescribed credit earned must be reported as Prescribed, not as Category 1.
To receive CME credit after completing the webinar, please complete the evaluation linked above, report your credit to the AAFP, and print the CME certificate linked above for your records.
Please contact Director of Education Erin Jech with questions.
About Lead
Lead is a metal that occurs naturally in the environment. Although lead can be found in small amounts in the earth’s crust, most of it comes from human activities such as manufacturing and mining. In the past, lead was used in gasoline, paint, metals, bullets, and batteries. We now know that lead has many hazardous health effects, and so lead has been banned or significantly reduced in these products.
Children can be exposed to lead in many ways, but most exposure happens when children put things into their mouths while playing. Lead was used in house paint until 1978, and any house built before that year could have lead paint. Chips from this paint can be ingested or ground into dust, which can be eaten or breathed in. Lead can also be found in soil, water, and certain items that come from other countries. Many children with lead poisoning have no signs at first, which makes it hard to diagnose and treat their poisoning early.
Even small amounts of lead can cause learning and behavior problems in children. Lead replaces iron and calcium and affects many parts of the body, especially the nervous system. Lead is most harmful to children under the age of six, because a child’s growing body takes up lead easily. Lead can also be dangerous to a baby during pregnancy.
Problems related to lead poisoning can last the child’s whole life. Even at low levels, lead can lower IQ, cause attention disorders, make it difficult for a child to pay attention in school, delay growth, impair hearing, and more.
- Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Healthy Homes
- Lead Abatement Tax Credit Program
- Lead Licensure and Accreditation
- Addressing Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Use
- Addressing Alcohol and other Substance Use Practice Manual
- Cannabis Use During Pregnancy
- Clinical Preventive Service Recommendation: Screening for Lead Levels
- Lead Poisoning in Children (American Family Physician, 2019)
- Reimbursement and Coding for SBIRT Services
- Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: Recommendation Statement (American Family Physician, 2019)
- Training and Resources Related to Alcohol and Other Substance Use
- Board Book: Thanks for Keeping Me Lead-Free
- Family Rack Card: English | Spanish | Somali | French | Arabic | Nepali | Haitian
- Physician Resource Guide
- Toolkit registration