Ohio Academy of Family Physician members have an opportunity to join their pediatric peers at the Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP) annual meeting set for Friday – Saturday, September 23-24. The meeting’s theme is Triumph over Tragedy.
Because of the collaborative work of the Ohio Coalition of Primary Care Organizations, the OhioAAP is offering its member pricing to OAFP members who attend.
The highlight of the meeting will be a keynote presentation by Mark Barden from Sandy Hook Promise. Mark lost his son, Daniel, in the Sandy Hook Shooting in 2012. You won’t want to miss this inspiring story of triumph over tragedy!
View this video to hear from Mark directly on why you should attend this meeting.
For a complete agenda and to register, visit the Ohio AAP website.
Contact Elizabeth Dawson at the Ohio AAP with any questions that you may have or call at 614.846.6258.