The 2016 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Feedback Reports and 2016 Annual Quality and Resource Use Reports (QRURs) are now available.
- PQRS Feedback Reports provide program results for 2016, including if you are subject to the 2018 PQRS downward payment adjustment
- The 2016 Annual QRURs show how physicians and other health care providers in groups and solo practitioners performed in 2016 on the quality and cost measures used to calculate the 2018 Value Modifier, as well as their practice’s 2018 Value Modifier payment adjustment
- An Enterprise Identify Management (EIDM) account with the appropriate role is required for participants to obtain their 2016 PQRS Feedback and access QRURs
If you perceive that your payment adjustment status was made in error, you may request an informal review of your 2016 PQRS and Value Modifier results during the informal review period that will close on Friday, December 1, at 8 p.m.