March 9th of each year is Meningitis Awareness Day in Ohio, otherwise known as Tess’s Law. Senator Cliff Hite’s five-year-old niece Tess passed away from this disease. Wanting to do more to help keep other children safe led Sen. Hite to sponsor legislation in 2014 making March 9th a day to spotlight this disease.
Because meningitis is relatively rare, parents may not be aware of just how deadly it can be and that there is a vaccine. Meningitis Awareness Day is one step toward helping ensure that other families will not know the devastation of losing a child to meningitis.
In its most serious form, bacterial meningitis can cause inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, a blood infection, or both. The disease can be difficult to diagnose because symptoms like headache, fever, and nausea can be similar to those of more common conditions like the flu. Meningitis becomes serious very quickly, and can kill within 48 hours. Up to 15% of those who get meningitis will die, and of those who survive, one in five will have lasting effects like brain damage, hearing loss, or limb amputation.
People of any age can get meningitis, but those most at risk include very young children, adolescents, and, especially, those living in close quarters like college dormitories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the meningococcal vaccine for everyone aged 11 to 18 years old. Ohio students entering the 7th and 12th grades are required by state law to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease.
Visit the CDC website to learn more about meningitis and how to protect your loved ones. You can also learn more by visiting the National Meningitis Association website.