
2 thoughts on “Contact Your State Senator Today – Help Stop Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Legislation”

  1. House Bill 218 endangers the health of Ohioans, particularly children. Please vote against it and work to keep it from passing. Let me know if or how I can help. I’m a retired family physician.

  2. House Bill 218 endangers the health of all Ohioans. The only way we as a population can contain or control this disease (Covid) is through vaccinations. Our health as a country, our economy as a nation needs more vaccinations. The benefit of the vaccination far, far outweigh any potential risk to individuals. I’m a retired family physician. In all my years i have never seen a medication or vaccine work so well and without any significant side effect. Passing House Bill 218 sends a dangerous message to the public in general – that it is acceptable to use any excuse not to get vaccinated. As the senators for the state of Ohio your job should be to do the best for the population of the state as a whole. Not just to please individuals or special interest groups.

    Please vote against it and work to keep it from passing.


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