On March 15, medical students, friends, and family celebrated in the excitement. Promptly at noon, during the annual Match Day, medical students ended the long-awaited anticipation when they tore open their envelopes and learned where they will spend the next phase of their medical careers.
We heard from graduating senior and 2019 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Liaison to the Latino Medical Student Association, Heidy Sasvin, about her Match Day experience.
“Match Day was one of the most exciting days of medical school. Although my mother and sister could not join me, I was surrounded by friends and supportive faculty from my Ohio State University College of Medicine family. I ended up matching into the best specialty, family medicine, at my first choice, the University of California (UC) Irvine Family Medicine Residency Program (FMRP)!!! I feel truly blessed to be returning to my hometown, Santa Ana, CA,” said Heidy.
“After spending almost five years in Columbus, OH, I established many lifelong relationships with friends and mentors. As I struggled to choose between Ohio and California, one of my amazing family medicine preceptors, whom I highly respect and admire, told me that I could never go wrong with choosing family first. Therefore, moving will be bittersweet, but I know I have made the right choice. I obtained the foundational knowledge to care for the underserved Latino community of Columbus and I look forward to applying that knowledge and continue learning at UC Irvine FMRP. Thank you to all that have helped get me to this point,” continued Heidy.
Heidy joins the remaining 4,286 total students that matched to family medicine this year. Look at this year’s record-high numbers!
- 38,376 applicants submitted program choices; an increase of 3.4% from 2018
- 35,185 total positions offered; an increase of 6.1% from 2018
- 32,194 PGY-1 positions offered; an increase of 6.5% from 2018
- 30,550 PGY-1 Positions filled; an increase of 5.2% from 2018
- 3,848 medical students and graduates matched to family medicine residency programs in the NRMP Match; an increase of 313 from 2018
- A total of 4,286 students and graduates matched to family medicine when combining the results of the NRMP Match, the AOA Match (306), and the Military Match (132).
Read more about the Match on the AAFP website. Also, be sure to check out the America Needs more Family Medicine: 25X2030 Collaborative, which is calling for 25% of all U.S. medical school seniors and graduates – both allopathic and osteopathic – to match into family medicine by the year 2030.
To all of the soon-to-be residents joining our family medicine family, the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians thanks you for your membership and wishes you the best of luck in residency—you’re on your way to amazing things!
Along your way, don’t forget about the Academy. We encourage you to keep your membership through residency with AAFP and the OAFP (or other state chapter where you will be completing your residency). You can find valuable resources on our resident webpage and the AAFP resident webpage or by coming to one of our upcoming events.