The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy (SOBP) continues to work on redrafting proposed regulations governing the use of compounding of nonhazardous drugs by prescribers in the office setting, Ohio Administrative Code 4729-16-04 and 4729-16-13. They plan to re-submit amended rules to the Common Sense Initiative (CSI) in the near future.
Once the CSI receives that information from the SOBP, they could either schedule an interested parties meeting or they could accept the SOBP’s comments. Physicians’ organizations have strongly suggested to CSI staff that they convene an interested parties meeting that is facilitated by a neutral party.
The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, and other physicians’ associations, continue to monitor the rule-making process. The OAFP has already submitted comments twice and we anticipate having additional opportunities to comment.
Watch future issues of the Weekly Family Medicine Update and check the OAFP website for updates.