By now we hope that you’ve heard about our Check it. Change it. Control it. app for iPhone and Android users.
Both versions are available for you and your patients to download to help track, monitor, and control blood pressure. Plus, a lot of other cool things too!
Download the Apple or Android version today!
After downloading the app, users can complete their personal profile with descriptive characteristics and walk through a risk assessment that will give a general result for either low risk or potential risk for high blood pressure.
The results will allow users to start thinking about their heart health, and what they can do to take responsibility for their own improvement.
Users can record their blood pressure in an easy-to-use recording function that will then populate a chart to show patterns from day-to-day. The chart function is a valuable communication tool that can be shared with their family physician. Users can set reminders of when to check their blood pressure at a frequency of their choosing.
Resources ranging from lifestyle, nutrition, and fitness to cholesterol and smoking cessation are included to give the user a variety of tools to improve their health.
The apps will not only help patients keep track of their blood pressure and find helpful resources, they will also allow for a conversation to begin between physician and patient over the very important topic of hypertension. We encourage all of our members to download their version of the app, check it out, and recommend it to those patients that could truly benefit. It’s easy, and it’s free!
If you have any questions about the apps or the “Check it. Change it. Control it. Your Heart Depends on it.” program, please contact Deputy Executive Vice President Kate Mahler, CAE, or call 800.742.7327.
If you love what you see, be sure to include a review on the app’s page in iTunes or Google Play!