This situation has inevitably happened to all physicians: a patient enters the room and explains what another physician they saw over the weekend advised them to do for their ailment yet; the course of action advised makes no sense to you. The first instinct is to criticize this other physician for their recommendation; leaving the patient with a negative feeling towards whom they saw first and not building confidence for the system overall.
Why is this sense of “wrongness” and negativity the first reaction? Is there a way to push that negativity back and give the benefit of the doubt to a colleague that was more than likely operating with limited knowledge of the patient’s history?
This scenario isn’t unique to the office setting. We see these situations happen on a daily basis with coworkers, family members, and even strangers. The “gut reaction” to this scenario is to view the situation through your own lens with your own perspectives, which at times can hinder the ability to look for the good in people and assume positive intent.
Many of us have been that physician in the example above; feeling hesitant to give others the benefit of the doubt whether it’s a patient, colleague, or family member.
“Our beliefs, environments, and experiences shape the way we view the world. It helps us harness our perspective of the world around us, and the people we interact with. For many of us, it’s what lead us to the world of medicine. However, sometimes those perspectives can get jaded through negative experiences, unsupportive environments, or evolving beliefs,” said Nelson Heise, clinical director at the Ohio Physicians Health Program and the facilitator of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians’ Wellness Wednesdays program.
The next Wellness Wednesdays webinar, set for Wednesday, December 12, at 12:15 p.m., will address this issue. “This presentation is going to touch on how to work through some of those challenges so we are able to keep a fresh perspective on our patients, colleagues, and our surrounding support systems,” continued Nelson.
You don’t want to miss this session. What better time to reframe perspectives and harness the full power of giving others the benefit of the doubt than this time of year filled with family, friends, and the holiday spirit?
The webinar is FREE and registration is open for physicians and their care teams to participate.
About Wellness Wednesdays
Wellness Wednesdays is a structured, bi-monthly webinar series that focuses on enhancing professional and personal wellness through the joy of medicine. The series is facilitated by a licensed health care professional, is offered free, and scheduled on a Wednesday over the typical lunch hour (12:15 – 1:00 p.m.)
Participants will start each session with a brief overview of the discussion topic and then led through a practical exercise that helps the participant learn through self-exploration and personal awareness. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own insight at the end of the 45-minute program and make connections with their peers who are also interested in wellness and professional satisfaction.
- Combating Isolation through Focused Socialization
- Coping with the Emotional Impact of Adverse Patient Outcomes
- Creating a Personal Vision for a Healthy, Happy You
- Creating Emotional Energy through Physical Exercise
- Exploring Tools and Resources for Overcoming Burnout
- How to Approach a Peer Who is in Need of Help
- How to Deal with Negative Criticism
- Mastering the Art of Gratitude
- Meditation for Emotional Well-Being
- Mindfulness: Cultivating A Clearer Mind
- Setting Emotional Boundaries for Healthier Relationships
- Therapeutic Benefits of Counseling
- Time Management Strategies for Busy Docs
- The Power of Vulnerability
- The Virtues of Grittiness and Resiliency
- You Are What You Eat.
If you have questions about the Wellness Wednesdays program, contact Director of Events & Foundation Programs Kaitlin McGuffie or call 800.742.7327.