The State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) has submitted draft rules pertaining to “prescribing to persons not seen by the physician” to the Common Sense Initiative (CSI) for its review. These rules, 4731-11-01 and 4731-1-09, are commonly referred to as telemedicine rules. Under provisions of the CSI, state agencies are required to draft rules in collaboration with stakeholders, assess and justify any adverse impact on the business community, and provide an opportunity for the affected public to provide input on the proposed rules.
View the business impact statement and draft rules. Comments submitted on behalf of Ohio Academy of Family Physicians are referenced on page 9 and read as follows:
“A letter submitted on behalf of the OAFP stressed that the minimal standards of care require the physician to have established a physician patient relationship with the patient by conducting a physical examination that is consistent with that which would be conducted in-person and that the minimal standards for an appropriate exam would be difficult to meet via today’s audio and video technology. The letter also stated that the physician who has conducted an in-person examination of the patient is vastly better equipped to conduct a virtual visit with a patient. It also stated that telemedicine should not be used to further fragment patient care and patients should be encouraged to first seek care from their personal physician. The letter also expressed concerns about the prescribing of antibiotics to unestablished patients since the overuse of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance is well documented. The letter also stated that prescribing antibiotics for strep throat without having carefully examined the patient’s throat, ears, and nose and listening to the patient’s heart and lungs is inappropriate.”
Additional comments on the proposed rules can be submitted by individual OAFP members and must be received no later than Monday, July 25. Comments should be sent directly to the SMBO and the CSI.
To stay up-to-date on telemedicine in Ohio, visit the OAFP website.