Take a deep breath and imagine yourself laying on the beach…the sound of the surf can be heard in the distance and a warm breeze gently tussles your hair. Sit with that thought for a few seconds…sounds relaxing, doesn’t it? The time it took you to imagine yourself in a place of peace and solitude is all you need to exercise an important technique to decompress from your daily stress. You have probably heard of it—it’s called mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgement. This method of centering is designed to help individuals slow down in a busy world and practice the art of relaxing.
The first session of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians’ Wellness Wednesdays series will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, February 15, at 12:15 p.m. This series is dedicated to teaching and practicing the different types of mindful techniques that will help you become more focused on the most important patient – you.
As multi-taskers, we take on many responsibilities at the same time and most us struggle to be able to stay focused on the task at hand; instead, we think about our next responsibility or the event that just happened. This inability to stay centered and to spend a disproportioned amount of time on the past and the future can lead to stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, and escapism in unhealthy behaviors.
“The practice of mindfulness can create improvement in time management, decrease pain, reduce other health conditions, and create a deeper level of serenity,” said Nelson Heise, clinical director at the Ohio Physicians Health Program and the facilitator of the OAFP’s Wellness Wednesdays program. “One of the main challenges we have about implementing a mindfulness plan into our lives is that we do not have the time,” explained Mr. Heise.
It does take time to get comfortable in a new routine and it can seem stressful getting started or taking the time to learn about it. Once adapted, the results will reflect in all aspects of your life. For many people the best way to get started with mindfulness is with the help of someone familiar with the concepts. Start your mindfulness journey with us during the Wellness Wednesdays program. Space is still available to participate and is free to OAFP members. Register today.
If you have questions about the Wellness Wednesdays program, please contact Deputy Executive Vice President Kate Mahler, CAE, or call 800.742.7327.