- Family Physician of the Year
- Family Medicine Educator of the Year
- Friend of Family Medicine
- Resident Leadership Award.
These annual awards recognize the best of the best family physicians, family medicine residents, and friends of family medicine in the great state of Ohio. These individuals go above and beyond-the-call-of-duty to promote and share the ideals of family medicine not only to their patients, but to their communities.
Does this sound like anyone you know? Nominate a family physician, resident, or advocate of family medicine who deserves recognition for providing exemplary care, are involved in their community, or are leaders in their practice.
Nominations can be submitted online for the Family Physician of the Year, Family Medicine Educator of the Year, and Friend of Family Medicine awards. Letters of recommendation for the Resident Leadership Award can be submitted to the OAFP Awards Workgroup.
The awards criteria, eligibility, and nomination guidelines and processes are available on the OAFP website.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 23, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact Communications Manager Lauren Heberling.