
23 thoughts on “Registration Required to Participate in Ohio’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program”

  1. First, if I will be unable to provide storage below routine frozen vaccines, is there a point to enrolling?
    Second, I don’t have a TDD license. Is that necessary, and particularly, if I am already enrolled in VFC (Vaccines for Children) from ODH, is there any of this cumbersome enrollment and training that I could skip?

  2. My Wife and I are a Utah Residents, however, we have a home in Ohio and live there between 5-6 months a year. Can I get my shots in Ohio as I have not gone back to Utah since mid May, 2020.
    We are both 70 years old.
    Thanks, Brad

      1. Because the state has no unified plan. Sending the vaccine to places without a plan ends with vaccine sitting in cold storage moving towards expiration. The state needs to create a database so people that want the vaccine can register and be directed to a location that hasn’t diminished their supply yet.

        “Check with your local health department” is a failure of leadership.

    1. Lisa,

      Please contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

  3. How do I get a form to register after I have created an account OHID? I am having trouble finding it and the local board of health is always busy!

    1. Tamara,

      Senior citizens with questions on the vaccination process are urged to contact the Area Agencies on Aging at or by calling 1.866.243.5678.

      Another suggestion is to contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

    1. Nazek,

      Senior citizens with questions on the vaccination process are urged to contact the Area Agencies on Aging at or by calling 1.866.243.5678.

      Another suggestion is to contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

  4. I am 74 years old and want to register to get the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible.
    I have no idea how to register and where to go to get the vaccine.

    1. Maryan,

      Senior citizens with questions on the vaccination process are urged to contact the Area Agencies on Aging at or by calling 1.866.243.5678.

      Another suggestion is to contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

    1. Please contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

  5. i have a question i’m 64 i won’t be 65years old till aug and i have to use two inhalers because of severe asthma is there anyway i can get the covid vaccination with people that are 65 and up

    1. Michael,

      It is our understanding that vaccine providers have to do everything they can to adhere to the eligibility requirements for each phase. Having said that, senior citizens with questions on the vaccination process are urged to contact the Area Agencies on Aging at or by calling 1.866.243.5678.

      Another suggestion is to contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process.

      Take care,

  6. I’m an immunocompromised patient due to a compromised endocrine system, COPD, and Lupus. I’m 50. I also take care of both my disabled husband and geriatric mother – in-home health care – as best I can. Both have received their first dose.

    I submitted my request the same day I submitted my mother’s. I was told I would be part of the Phase 2 group along with my mother. When can I expect to be called? Sadly, none of the links you provide here have been any help.

    Thanks for your hard work!

    1. Ms. Wheeler,

      We are an association for family physicians. The article you have commented on was for physicians to register with the Ohio Department of Health to be vaccine providers once the COVID-19 vaccine is available to family physicians practices for their patients.

      You can contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process. As you can imagine, there is more demand than supply.

      Take care,

    1. Kathy,

      Senior citizens with questions on the vaccination process are urged to contact the Area Agencies on Aging at or by calling 1.866.243.5678.

      Another suggestion is to contact your primary care physician, local hospital, local department of health, or your pharmacy to inquire about their vaccination availability and process. As you can imagine, there is still more demand than supply.

      Take care,


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