Registration is now open for the Annual Membership Meeting to be held virtually on Sunday, August 15, at 6 p.m.
Per Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) Bylaws, an annual meeting must be held for the membership to make necessary governance and business decisions. After the success of last year’s virtual meeting, the OAFP Executive Committee approved holding a virtual annual membership meeting again this year.
- Election and installation of officers
- Recommendations that require approval from the membership.
Registration is free and open to all OAFP members, and includes an opportunity to purchase tickets for the Past Presidents’ Quilt Raffle to support the OAFP Foundation.
Registration is required by noon on Sunday, August 15. Additional meeting details can be found on the OAFP website.
The OAFP Board of Directors and staff greatly appreciate the service and sacrifice of all who continue to display profound courage and care for Ohio’s population during the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination process. We look forward to connecting face to face with members during several in-person events later this fall!
If you have questions about the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting, please contact Director of Education Erin Jech or call 800.742.7327.