House Bill (HB) 216, a proposal to allow advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) independent practice in Ohio, is scheduled for hearing by the House Health and Aging Committee on Wednesday, January 20.
HB 216 eliminates the requirement for APRNs to collaborate with a physician while at the same time expands their scope of practice. The bill also expands APRN’s ability to prescribe addictive schedule II drugs.
- There is no compelling evidence that requiring APRNs to collaborate with a physician when making medical diagnoses and prescribing drugs poses a burden or limits their ability to find work or provide care in Ohio.
- A recent workforce study shows the number of APRNs has increased by 3,000 since 2013 and that they do not have any difficulty finding employment in the state.
- According to an American Medical Association (AMA) study from 2015, patients prefer their care to be coordinated and that a physician be included in that team model. Physicians have more than 11 years of diverse education including direct clinical care with patients, more than any other medical professional. HB 216 dismisses the deep experience a physician brings to a medical team.
- At a time when every area of Ohio is struggling with opioid abuse, HB 216 actually seeks to diminish prescriptive controls by eliminating physician oversight when APRNs prescribe addictive and dangerous Schedule II drugs.
The OAFP values the abilities and contributions of APRNs and all nurses, but HB 216 goes too far to upset the collaborative effort already underway among all medical professionals. This proposal is unnecessary, over-reaching, and unsafe.
- Representative Barbara R. Sears (R-Sylvania, OH) – 614.466.1731
- Representative Tim W. Brown (R-Bowling Green, OH) – 614.466.8104
- Representative Kirk Schuring (R-Canton, OH) – 614.752.2438
- Representative Robert Sprague (R-Findlay, OH) – 614.466.3819
- Representative Sarah LaTourette (R-Geauga and Portage Counties) – 614.644.5088
- Representative Timothy E. Ginter (R-Columbiana County) – 614.466.8022
- Chair Anne Gonzales (R-Westerville, OH) – 614.466.4847
- Representative Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood, OH) – 614.466.5921
- Representative John Barnes, Jr. (D-Cleveland) – 614.466.1408
- Representative Heather Bishoff (D-Blacklick, OH) – 614.644.6002
- Representative Jim Butler (R-Oakwood, OH) – 614.644.6008
- Representative Christie Bryant Kuhns (D-Cincinnati) – 614.466.1645
- Representative Michele Lepore-Hagan (D-Youngstown, OH) – 614.466.9435
- Representative Dan Ramos (D-Lorain, OH) – 614.466.5141
- Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron, OH) – 614.466.3100.
You will also find a valuable updated resource on the OAFP website that is designed to clarify arguments against APRN independent practice.
In a related matter, OAFP President Tom Houston, MD, co-signed a letter to House Health Committee members stating that contrary to what others may have implied, the two substitute versions of HB 216 do nothing to address the concerns expressed by the above mentioned physician organizations.