Paid Sponsorship by the American Board of Family Medicine
In this PRIME Registry demonstration webinar, participants will learn how data from electronic health records (EHR) can be turned into actionable clinical quality measures through the PRIME Registry on-boarding process, and how automated reporting reduces and streamlines efforts for a wide variety of reporting and performance improvement needs.
There will also be a demonstration of the PRIME Registry dashboard, which will showcase how to target opportunities for improvement at the patient, physician, and practice levels (and across multiple sites of a single practice).
This interactive webinar will be offered and led by PRIME Registry Recruiting Coordinator Alison Morris and the PRIME Registry technical team.
Register today for a Wednesday Webinar
The Wednesday webinar each month features an in-depth look at how to use the PRIME dashboard, from selecting measures to track, finding care gaps, to estimating your MIPS score and more.
Registration today for a Thursday Webinar
The Thursday webinar each month features a short overview of the PRIME dashboard, with a demonstration of specific new tools or features. Currently, we’re highlighting PHATE, the new mapping tool available to all PRIME users.