Paid Sponsorship by the American Board of Family Medicine
- Person- and family-centered care
- Cost and value of care
- Care across the medical neighborhood.
Create your own Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle intervention using PRIME Registry or other data for tracking your improvement. Complete one of these three activities—hosted on the University of Colorado’s e-Learning platform—for 20 ABFM performance improvement (PI) activity credit points.
To access the activities, visit the learning module website, select “register” and, if Diplomate, use the code: “ABFM” otherwise, non-ABFM certified physicians can use the code: “TCPI.”
Completing one of these modules will satisfy requirements for PI Activity/Maintenance of Certification Part IV for family physicians and possibly other specialties.
For more information, visit the PRIME SAN website or send an email.
I am not allowed to register for the Family Medicine E learning without a code.
How do I get a code