You’ve probably heard by now about the OAFP’s 2018 Quality Improvement (QI) Summit, set for Saturday, April 7, at the Hilton Columbus at Easton in Columbus, OH, and all of the valuable benefits you have the opportunity to reap by participating.
There are only two spots remaining in the Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention and Early Detection track—will you help us meet our goal of 70 practice teams at the Summit by claiming one of the last spots?
To help your decision, here is a little more information about the Breast & Cervical Cancer track because we know that many family medicine practices might not see as many patients for these cancer related areas. The online tool that participating practices will use in this program has multiple interventions you can choose from to meet program goals. You choose which age range you want to focus on (women age 21-26 or women age 50-65), allowing for flexibility in this track.
From focusing on improving vaccination rates for HPV in young women to educating team members and patients about appropriate screening intervals for mammograms, there really is something for every family medicine practice!
- Free registration for up to four members of the care team to attend the Summit.
- Travel reimbursement for each team member attending the Summit.
- American Academy of Family Physicians Live Prescribed continuing medical education (CME) credits for participation in the summit (5 CME credits). These are transferable to all members of the care team.
- A $250 stipend for each team that completes the chosen topic’s online module and any
additional data collection requirements. - After completion of the chosen module, physicians will earn ABFM Family Medicine Certification Performance Improvement Activity credit and a additional 20 AAFP CME credits.
Let’s get to 70 teams participating in the second-ever QI Summit!
If you have questions regarding this program, please contact Director of Events and Foundation Programs Kaitlin McGuffie or call 800.742.7327.