The Ohio Substance Use Disorder Professional Loan Repayment Program (Ohio SUDLRP) deadline is approaching – a completed application must be postmarked on or before Saturday, March 28.
Based on a recommendation included in the RecoveryOhio Advisory Council’s Initial Report and funded through the state biennial budget, the Ohio SUDLRP aims to increase access to SUD treatment for underserved communities and populations. In exchange for loan repayment assistance, providers commit to practice for two years at an eligible site in a Health Professional Shortage Area, as well as in other high-burdened SUD areas of the state, accept Medicare and Medicaid, and see clients regardless of ability to pay. Full-time and part-time practice options are allowable, with a minimum of 50% of direct client care hours required to be spent providing SUD treatment.
More information about provider eligibility, repayment amounts, and an application packet are available online. Please call 614.466.7475 or email with any questions.