On July 14, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed legislation that prevents schools and colleges from requiring vaccines that haven’t been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
When it appeared that House Bill (HB) 248, more sweeping anti-vaccine legislation, was stalled in the House Health Committee, the Ohio Senate inserted their own language targeting vaccine mandates into HB 244, a bill aimed at easing transitions between schools for military families by increasing online learning opportunities.
The previously bipartisan bill was amended by Senator Andy Brenner (R-Powell, OH) to prevent a public school or state institution from requiring a vaccination not fully approved by the FDA, or discriminating against people who choose not to receive these vaccines. This language, while not explicit, clearly targeted the three COVID-19 vaccines in the United States that are currently operating with Emergency Use Authorization.
The Governor’s office said that they expect the COVID vaccine to be fully approved by the FDA soon, making the issue moot.