The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians is supporting the re-appointment of Colette Willins, MD, to another term as American Academy of Family Physicians delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA). Dr. Willins, an OAFP past president, has served on the AAFP delegation to the AMA since 2003. She is currently a member of the AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws.
In his letter of support, OAFP President Ryan Kauffman, MD, stated:
“At a time when a several members of the AAFP delegation to the AMA are ineligible for appointment to another term, Dr. Willins brings valuable historical perspective, institutional memory, knowledge, and experience as a member of the delegation having served as an AAFP delegate to the AMA since 2003. Prior to that, Dr. Willins served as an AAFP alternate delegate to the AMA (2002) and as an alternate delegate from the Young Physicians Section (YPS) (1997-99).
Dr. Willins has been actively involved in all facets of organized medicine since medical school. In addition to serving in multiple leadership roles at the AAFP, the OAFP and the Ohio State Medical Association, Dr. Willins has attended AMA meetings since 1990. She has been active in the MSS, RPS, and YPS sections. In addition to serving on the AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws as a medical student, she served on the YPS governing council as a young physician. Dr. Willins has attended every AAFP Congress of Delegates meeting since 1994.
At the state chapter level, Dr. Willins has served in virtually every position including president. She currently serves an ex officio member of the OAFP Board of Directors.
The AAFP is well served by having Dr. Willins as a member of its delegation to the AMA and we urge your consideration of extending her eligibility to serve due to her current membership on the AAFP Council on Constitution and Bylaws.”
Good luck, Dr. Willins!