Reprinted from the 2017-18 Annual Report.
By: Don Mack, MD, President and Ann M. Spicer, Executive Vice President
This year, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, highlighting both past and present accomplishments. In 2018, we surpassed the 5,000-membership milestone, accepted the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s 80% by 2018 National Achievement Award for our work in improving colorectal cancer screening rates across Ohio, and received the American Academy of Family Physicians Leadership in State Government Advocacy Award for our efforts in retaining family medicine residency slots in Toledo, OH.
All of these accomplishments serve as signs of Ohio’s continued strength and integrity as one of the largest, most respected chapters of the AAFP. This report on annual activities and accomplishments is structured around the OAFP’s organizational pillars (Policy and Pipeline; Practice Success and Payment for Value; Professional Satisfaction and Wellness; and Quality Improvement, CME, and Population Health) – all of which drive action through advocacy, communication, and education, and are built on a strong foundation of operational success. Thank you for your membership and ongoing commitment to keeping Ohio families and communities healthy. Cheers to 70 years and 70 more years of leading, advocating, and advancing family medicine!