The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians has nominated Matt Finneran, MD, FAAFP, for appointment to the AAFP Commission on Health of the Public and Science, the AAFP Commission on Quality and Practice, or the AAFP Commission on Membership and Member Services. Dr. Finneran, an OAFP past president and past OAFP delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates, is owner and managing physician of a private group practice in Wadsworth, OH.
In his letter of chapter support, OAFP President Ryan Kauffman, MD, states:
“Dr. Finneran’s practice achieved NCQA level 3 patient-centered medical home (PCMH) certification in 2012, and was the first practice in Ohio to achieve level 3 PCMH re-certification with 2014 standards in 2015. One of Ohio’s 50 PCMH education pilot sites established under Ohio’s PCMH legislation (House Bill 198), Dr. Finneran’s practice has utilized an EHR since 2006. Dr. Finneran is always looking for ways to take his practice to the next level of cutting-edge performance relative to providing patients and populations with the highest quality care.
An active member of his hospital’s medical staff, he serves as a member of the quality committee. His local accountable care organization (ACO), New Health Collaborative, is the only ACO in Ohio to receive shared savings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Within that ACO, his practice team leads in achieving and exceeding CMS metrics for best practice target goals. He is regularly sought out to help with difficult organizational changes and development of clinical and quality initiatives and is viewed as a leader who demonstrates outstanding team building skills.
Board certified with a CAQ in geriatrics, Dr. Finneran’s years of business experience managing a successful medical practice illustrates his entrepreneurial spirit. He is well-equipped to articulate the needs of the independent, private practice segment of AAFP membership while respecting and appreciating those who choose a different path. As a result, he is a valued member of the OAFP Payer and Practice Resource Team and the OAFP Public Policy Committee.
Dr. Finneran has served in virtually every leadership position within the OAFP including president (1999-2000) and delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates (2006-10). At the national level, Dr. Finneran served a five-year term on the AAFP Commission on Governmental Advocacy; his final year he led the commission as chair. A strong, well-organized, hard-working leader, Dr. Finneran faithfully mentors new leaders within the OAFP and devotes time to the education of medical students as well as to serving as adjunct faculty at the Walsh University School of Nursing, North Canton, OH.”
Congratulations and good luck, Dr. Finneran!