On April 24, the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians joined with a dozen other physician organizations to submit comments to the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) on development of rules for a confidential monitoring program for physicians who are dealing with mental or physical illness.
The letter says, in part, that, “We have concerns that the program as drafted determines entry into confidential monitoring based on diagnosis or condition and not conduct, is not truly confidential, could aggravate existing mental or physical health conditions, and lacks adequate due process.”
The letter goes onto to state:
“While we believe the intent of the development of this program was a positive one, we have concerns that many of the practices of the program may be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.”
The letter concludes by requesting appointment of the small working group of the SMBO and the Ohio Physicians Health Program to find a mutually agreeable solution to concerns expressed.
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