As we all adapt to the change happening around our state and nation, the OAFP Foundation (Foundation) continues its work to build a strong family medicine workforce to carry the torch forward. To help raise funds for the LeRoy A. Rogers, MD, Preceptorship Program, and other initiatives that support the Foundation’s mission to cultivate student career choice in the specialty of family medicine, the Foundation is running the following merchandise campaigns:
2020 Virtual Conference T-Shirt
The world of zoom meetings and virtual conferences calls for creativity in not only work space, but also in attire. The Foundation has a solution for all of your upcoming virtual conference needs, the 2020 Virtual Conference T-shirt!
These shirts provide a fill-in name badge and a choice of two ribbon options, one with a COVID-19 theme and the other with an awesome family medicine theme. Plus, let’s not forget the call out to the best family medicine organization, the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP), on the back (we’re a little biased).
Be A Family Physician
Family physicians are the good the world needs now. Help us cultivate more family physicians by purchasing shirts, mugs, and tote bags featuring the quote “Be the Good the World Needs Now: Be A Family Physician” from American Academy of Family Physicians President & OAFP Past President Gary LeRoy, MD, FAAFP.
Doctor’s Order’s: Mask+6
As Ohio continues with daily life during a pandemic, the OAFP and five other medical associations launched a social media campaign on July 8 to strongly encourage everyone to remember: Doctor’s Orders: Mask+6.
Help remind your patients and communities to wear a face covering and practice physical distancing when in public with your Mask+6 campaign merchandise!
All merchandise can be purchased in the Foundation’s store. Proceeds benefit Foundation programs and advance the specialty of family medicine. We know what a difficult time this is, but if you are able to give/purchase, your contribution is much appreciated. Thank you!