On March 18, the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) held an emergency meeting to take action on the following items pertaining to the current COVID-19 situation. Ohio Academy of Family Physician Executive Vice President participated via YouTube.
Beginning immediately, the SMBO will suspend enforcement of any regulations requiring in-person visits between providers and patients. This exercise of enforcement discretion includes, but is not limited to, enforcement of regulations related to providers prescribing to patients not seen in-person by the physician. The exercise of this enforcement discretion is effective the day the State of Ohio Declared an Emergency, March 9, 2020, and will conclude upon expiration of Executive Order 2020-01D. Providers must act in good faith in establishment and/or continuance of the provider-patient relationship. The SMBO will provide advance notice before beginning enforcement when the state emergency orders are lifted.
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Beginning immediately, the SMBO will suspend enforcement of the continuing education requirements for the renewal of a license issued by the SMBO. This includes, but is not limited to, the requirement for Ohio physicians to obtain 50 hours of Category 1 CME at the time of their license renewal. The exercise of this enforcement discretion is effective the day the State of Ohio declared an emergency, March 9, 2020, and will apply to renewals due by Monday, March 1, 2021. All existing SMBO orders and consent agreements for individual licensees remain in effect and will be enforced.
Emergency Licensure
The SMBO authorizes its staff to work with the State Emergency Management Agency, or other governmental entities as identified, to effectuate Ohio licensure eligibility for out of state doctors who are called upon to respond to the COVID-19 emergency in Ohio.