The Medical Associations Coalition (MAC) submitted a letter to the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) on February 16 responding to the SMBO’s draft legislation proposing changes to the one-bite rule.
The letter, co-signed by 10 physician organizations including the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, stated, “We are pleased with your decision to withdraw legislation that would create and implement the First Occurrence Recovery Program and to maintain the one-bite rule as-is for the time being.”
The letter goes on to say, “We are encouraged by your decision to convene a working group to improve the one-bite program and to explore enhancements for treatment provider standards. The MAC is excited to take part in this working group and will provide the names of individuals who wish to participate in the near future.”
The MAC looks forward to a working with the SMBO, MAC members, and the Ohio Physicians Health Program (OPHP) to reach a collective agreement surrounding the one-bite rule that will improve the process and encourage physicians to seek out help under a confidential system. We continue to believe that the best opportunity for this to take place is through the exclusive utilization of services available through the OPHP. The OPHP was created by the medical community to serve in this capacity and is prepared to support the SMBO by assisting physicians utilizing the one-bite rule and seeking treatment for substance use disorders.
Members of the Medical Association Coalition include the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, the Ohio Osteopathic Association, the Ohio State Medical Association, the Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association, the Columbus Medical Association, the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern Ohio, the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.
Visit the OAFP One-Bite Reporting Exemption webpage for additional information.