World Family Doctor Day, held every year on May 19, was first declared by the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) in 2010. It has become a day to highlight the role and contribution of family doctors in health care systems around the world. It serves as an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of the specialty in the delivery of personal, comprehensive, and continuing health care for all patients. The commemoration provides the world a chance to celebrate the achievements made in family medicine and the special contributions of family doctors globally.
The theme for World Family Doctor Day 2020 is “Family Doctors on the Front Line – First in, last out,” which speaks to the challenges and responsibilities of family doctors in the fight against the global COVID-19 pandemic. These medical heroes are playing a pivotal role in the management of the pandemic outbreak and have shown that family physicians are counted on to be the “First in, last out” of any health crisis.
The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) understands that even super heroes need to practice self-care because serving patients on the frontlines can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Denying one’s own needs is sometimes a badge of honor in medicine, but it also contributes to an empty energy tank and can negatively affect the ability to care for yourself and others. Do something to care for yourself today!
OAFP has created several programs with your needs in mind.
Joy Among Chaos Website – Curated links to wellness resources, positive stories, inspiring member articles, and free educational materials to help provide joy during today’s complicated healthcare environment.
Quotes from the Edge of Nowhere: The Art of Noticing Unnoticed Life Wisdom – American Academy of Family Physicians President and OAFP Past President Gary LeRoy, MD, FAAFP, has written a collection of stories that he hopes “ignites an amber of inspiration during the moments of solitude of this unprecedented global crisis, COVID-19.” Each chapter is published weekly in the Weekly Family Medicine Update and archived on the OAFP website.
Wellness Wednesday Video Archive – 23 video presentations with paired resources to help you combat burnout, strengthen resiliency, and discover strategies for lasting wellness.
To receive a special World Family Doctor Day message from OAFP President Anna McMaster, MD, FAAFP, and OAFP President-Elect Mike Sevilla, MD, FAAFP, visit OAFP’s Facebook page.
From the OAFP Board of Directors and staff, thank you for all that you do to serve your communities and your patients with continued professionalism, commitment, and passion.