You read that subject line correctly. The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians is providing you, its members, a unique two-part program that offers you FREE American Academy of Family Physicians credits, American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) Family Medicine Certification points, and an atmosphere of teamwork, camaraderie, and fun!
Here’s how:
It all starts with registering for the 2018 Quality Improvement Summit (QI Summit) set for Saturday, April 7, at the Hilton Columbus at Easton. Here, you’ll bring up to three team members to a day full of training that will teach the importance of effective and efficient teamwork and its impact on patient care.
- Hypertension Management (20 teams to be accepted)
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Improvement (15 teams to be accepted)
- Diabetes Prevention and Management (20 teams to be accepted)
- Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Early Detection (15 teams to be accepted).
We know, we know, it’s on a Saturday – which might be a hard sell for your team. However, registration is free for everyone, we’ll have lots of food, it’ll conclude by 4 p.m., it’s held at a hotel in an amazing shopping plaza, we’ll pay for your travel, and all members of the care team can claim credit for attending!
Once registered, you’ll receive important information via email from the OAFP staff about your participation at the QI Summit and more details about the second part of the program – utilizing an online data collection module on the topic you’ve chosen (which is where the ABFM points and additional AAFP credits come into play).
Come Saturday, April 7, you and your team will attend the QI Summit, hear from expert speakers in your chosen topic area, and create an office protocol based on a practice change you select in the online module that will be implemented once you’re back in the office.
Next, you’ll implement your changes into practice for six months and watch how team morale and patient outcomes improve!
At the end of six months, you’ll enter outcomes data into the online module and your credit will be reported on your behalf to the AAFP and the ABFM respectively.
Finally, once all data is collected and credits reported, we’ll send you a $250 stipend for all your hard work. Exciting opportunity, don’t you think?
- Travel reimbursement for each team member attending the QI Summit,
- AAFP Live Prescribed CME credits for participation in the QI Summit (approximately 5 CME credits). These are transferable to all members of the care team.
- A $250 stipend for each team that completes the chosen topic’s online module and any
additional data collection requirements, - ABFM Family Medicine Certification Performance Improvement Activity credit and 20 more AAFP CME credits for physicians.
- And, you can use your participation in this quality improvement process to complete your Improvement Activity requirement for the MIPS track in MACRA.
Trust us, it’s a can’t miss opportunity!
Register today as spots are limited per topic and are filling up fast.
More information on the QI Summit and each individual track can be found on the OAFP website.
If you have questions, we’re standing by to answer. Contact Kaitlin McGuffie or call her directly at 614.914.5629 and she’d be happy to assist.