After several months of research, one-on-one interviews, and thoughtful deliberation, the OAFP Foundation Board of Trustees approved a five-year development plan to assist the organization in establishing priorities that better serve the overall mission of the Foundation.
The plan is flexible yet practical in order to address medical student and resident needs in a rapidly evolving heath care environment.
The plan complements goal six of the five-year strategic plan developed by the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians that states:
“Support the Foundation’s mission and vision to ensure a sufficient family physician workforce for Ohio.
Objective 6: Advocate for issues that support the family medicine pipeline in Ohio.”
- Goal 1: Strengthen the programs supported by the Foundation to more effectively increase the number of family physicians in the pipeline for Ohio
- Goal 2: Increase the number of donors and the amount donated each year to positively impact the Foundation’s mission and vision
- Goal 3: Continuously improve the operations of the Foundation.
Specific objectives within each goal are outlined in the plan’s document which will serve as a basis for establishing a coordinated action strategy.
The process also led to an update of the Foundation’s mission and vision statements. The new mission of the Foundation is to cultivate student career choice in the specialty of family medicine. The new vision statement is to ensure a thriving family physician workforce for Ohio.
The Foundation Board of Trustees approved formulation of a development plan in the fall of 2016 following the OAFP’s strategic planning process. Foundation staff hired a strategic consultant, Mel Marsh from Acorn Consulting, to guide the process.
Over the course of several months, staff developed a comprehensive environmental scan and conducted one-on-one interviews with family physicians that represented the entire Foundation Board of Trustees, past and current Foundation donors, and past and current scholarship and program recipients. In all, more than 40 interviews were completed.
A draft plan with three priorities and a revised mission and vision statement was recommended to the Board of Trustees for adoption. On May 6, 2017, the 2017-21 Development Plan was adopted for implementation.
Take Action
Members are encouraged to review the development plan to read additional information. Printed versions of the plan will be available during the OAFP Members Assembly set for Saturday-Sunday, August 12-13, at the Columbus Marriott Northwest in Dublin, OH.
The Foundation Board of Trustees also emboldens all family physicians to consider making a contribution to the Foundation to support this important work.
For more information or answers to your questions, contact Director of Events and Foundation Programs Kaitlin McGuffie or call 800.742.7327.