Source: Fall 2019 Editor’s Message by Ed Bope, MD
Fall prepares us for winter. Harvesting, pruning, planting, and protecting activities that fill our evenings and weekends. We prepare for the harsh months that are ahead while celebrating some significant holidays like Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving. Each occasion is dedicated to remembering the sacrifices individuals made to make life better. I celebrate all of them and hope that you find time in your busy physician lives to do the same.
This issue of The Ohio Family Physician is intended to prepare you to face the opioid epidemic when treating patients who struggle with chronic pain. Undoubtedly, you have already seen this play out in your practice or even among people you know in the community. As family physicians we have seen how opioids and other substances like alcohol and marijuana have affected families. Many innocent bystanders are hurt by the hefty consequences. We can do our part by trying our best to avoid prescribing habits that can lead to addiction and by recognizing—at the earliest possible stage—the signs and symptoms of drug addiction. I hope you can find information that best prepares you when treating patients with chronic pain in the following articles:
- More Than A “Female Problem” Understanding Our Biases When Managing Women’s Pain
- Should Primary Care Physicians Stop Prescribing Narcotics?
- Osteopathic Approach to Chronic Pain
- Living With Pain: A Multidisciplinary Pain Management Program
Prepare for the opioid fight as you prepare for winter. But first and foremost enjoy the present, glorious fall. Also, save the dates for next year’s Family Medicine Workshop Saturday-Sunday, January 11-12 & 25-26, 2020, at the Columbus Marriot Northwest in Dublin, OH!
During this season of change, I’d like to welcome Communications Coordinator Lauren Heberling and Coordinator of Events and Foundation Programs Allyson Kuentz to the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians staff!