The East Central Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (ECOAFP) will host a free knowledge self-assessment (KSA) on the care of the vulnerable elderly on Wednesday, October 4.
This program was designed to facilitate completion of the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) KSA on the care of the vulnerable elderly and is being offered free to members who register prior to Friday, September 22.
Course Director William Smucker, MD, director of the Summa Family Medicine Residency Program, Akron Campus, will facilitate module questions in the group setting, along with Faculty Facilitator Jessica Coleman, DO, of Summa Health Seniors Institute.
The session will be held on the Summa Health Akron Campus in the Raymond C. Firestone Auditorium located at 55 Arch Street in Akron, OH, from 7 a.m. – 12 p.m. and includes participation reporting to the ABFM, the 60 question module, a light breakfast, a mid-morning snack, and parking in the South Pavilion Parking Deck.
Those who wish are also welcome to stay for lunch and the Annual Family Medicine Lectureship and Awards Continuing Medical Education Program from 1-5 p.m.
To register, please contact Christine Schueller, call 330.375.7778, or complete and return the registration form.
*A separate fee may be assessed by the ABFM per each participant’s current ABFM payment arrangements.