Source: CliniSync
CliniSyncPLUS has scheduled a series of webinars to support the work of the Ohio Department of Health to assist Ohio physicians and other health care professionals in managing patients with chronic conditions, specifically focusing on hypertension and diabetes.
You won’t want to miss the following webinars! Please pre-register for each webinar and contact Cathy Rich if you have questions.
Thursday, July 28
12- 1 p.m.
Technology Tactics to Make Patient Engagement Easier
Tuesday, August 9
12- 1 p.m.
Making Your Patient’s Care Plan Come Alive – Electronically Connecting the Community
Tuesday, August 16
12- 1 p.m.
Impact of New Payment Reform Regulations on Chronic Care and Transitional Care Management
Tuesday, August 23
12- 1 p.m.
Using Technology to Support your Patients with Chronic Care Conditions – It Doesn’t Have to Be Painful!