On August 18-19, more than 150 members joined in the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians’ 2018 Family Medicine Celebration at The Grand Event Center in Columbus, OH. The new, fresh venue added energy to a weekend of networking, learning, and fun.
The weekend began with an energizing workshop “Burned Out or Fired Up? How to Put the Joy Back in Medicine,” an upbeat session presented by nationally-recognized speaker Dan Diamond, MD. Dr. Diamond offered helpful tips on lowering stress levels, achieving balance, and gaining the power of mindset as a means to keep family physicians and their practices thriving.
Next, in a session on social determinants of health, American Academy of Family Physicians Director Gary LeRoy, MD, shared how the AAFP recently launched the EveryONE Project, a toolkit that helps physicians connect patients to community resources in an effort to achieve optimal health for everyone.
Ramona Peel, MA, led an enlightening discussion on providing culturally humble care to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) community. Attendees were provided with the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to best provide culturally humble and structurally competent care to the LGBTQ community.
During lunch, Dr. LeRoy, the official representative from the AAFP, and OAFP Speaker Mike Sevilla, MD, provided an overview of national and state chapter initiatives. Also, the OAFP Nominating Committee presented its slate of candidates for election as new Academy officers. Additionally, members had the opportunity to question OAFP and AAFP representatives about priorities and emerging trends.
- William (Bill) Tortoriello, MD, president, Indiana Academy of Family Physicians
- Mary Stock Keister, MD, president-elect, Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians
- Barbara Keber, MD, FAAFP, president-elect, New York State Academy of Family Physicians
- Evangeline Andarsio, MD, president, Ohio State Medical Association
- JP Thompson, past president, Ohio Association of Physician Assistants.
Afterward, attendees participated in a refreshment break with a social networking component, as well as Family Physician Feud – a new highlight to this year’s celebration. Attendees participated in teams of four and battled head-to-head for the title of Family Physician Feud Champions. This sparked a lot of excitement and a large crowd of spectators!
Attendees were awarded “leaders loot” to recognize their contributions to the Academy throughout the year and were able to earn more “loot” throughout the day for contributing during the sessions and engaging in activities. During the afternoon, physicians were able to redeem their “loot” for OAFP logo items, a bag of 1948-themed candy (to celebrate the Academy’s 70th anniversary), and much more! All of these fun items were found at the “Appreciation Station,” sponsored by the American Dairy Association, OrthopedicONE, and Sailing Simms Associates Inc.
In the afternoon, OAFP Lobbyist David Paragas, JD, moderated discussions with both Ohio gubernatorial candidates, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted represented the DeWine/Husted ticket for governor and former State Attorney General Richard Cordray spoke in behalf of the Cordray/Sutton ticket for governor. In addition, an Ohio Supreme Court Justice Candidate panel was also provided including Judge Craig Baldwin, Justice Mary DeGenaro, Judge Michael P. Donnelly, and Judge Melody Stewart.
Attendees finished the afternoon by hearing an update on Ohio’s medical marijuana program from Kimberly C. Anderson, JD, chief legal counsel for the State Medical Board of Ohio, and Stephanie M. Abel, PharmD, BCPS, from the Ohio Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee.
The annual Academy Awards Dinner recognized this year’s Family Physician of the Year Jonathan Diller, MD; Family Medicine Educator of the Year Michael Raddock, MD; Resident Leadership Award winner Assim AlAbdulKader, MD; and Friend of Family Medicine recipient Cheryl Grossman. The Academy awarded its Torchlight Leadership Award to Ryan Kauffman, MD, to honor his outstanding contributions to family medicine in the areas of quality improvement and continuing professional development. The OAFP Foundation awarded Jaividhya Dasarathy, MD, its Family Physician Mentorship Award.

- Charles Pierce, MD
- Jeung Ahn, MD
- Hyun Chung, MD
- Elizabeth Patterson, MD
- Ionel Welt, MD.
- Michael Sevilla, MD
- Paul Culler, MD.
On Sunday, OAFP offered an American Board of Family Medicine knowledge self-assessment and optional clinical self-assessment focused on pain management.
View more photos from the weekend’s events on Facebook.
The success of the 2018 Family Medicine Celebration is due in part to the support and generosity of our sponsors and exhibitors.
- American Dairy Association
- Atlantic Health Partners
- OrthopedicONE
- Sailing Simms Associates, Inc
- The Core Content Review of Family Medicine.
- Cleveland Clinic – Union Hospital
- Cognivue Inc.
- Horizon Pharma
- Mercy Health
- Ohio End of Life Options
- Ohio Physicians Health Program
- OurHealth
- PNC Healthcare Business Banking
- RX2Live – Central Ohio
- Sickle Treatment and Outcomes Research in the Midwest
- State Medical Board of Ohio
- US Army Health Care Team
- Visiting Physicians Association
- WVU Medicine.