Source: AAFP News Now
Physicians who plan to participate in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) track of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) should learn everything they can about the four categories on which their performance will be judged: quality, cost, improvement activities and advancing care information (ACI).
The ACI category may be the least understood, and so to help family physicians get up to speed, the American Academy of Family Physicians is offering a free webinar about it on Wednesday, August 23, from 1-2 p.m.
Registration is now open for this live event, titled Your Prescription for MIPS: Demystifying Advancing Care Information.
Erin Solis, an AAFP regulatory compliance strategist, will guide participants through a review of the ACI performance category to ensure that physicians come away with a thorough understanding of the scoring criteria and more.
Can’t view this live? Don’t worry, the webinar will be archived for later viewing.
Also on Wednesday, August 23, the AAFP invites participation in a Twitter chat session using #AAFPChat from 8-9 p.m. with family physician Amy Mullins, MD, the AAFP’s medical director of quality improvement.
As the AAFP’s leading expert on payment reform and MACRA, Dr. Mullins will answer wide-ranging questions from family physicians that cover MACRA, QPP, MIPS and more.
The events taking place on Wednesday, August 23, will anchor a full week of messaging from the AAFP about the work family physicians still need to do to get ready for QPP during the 2017 transition year. In fact, the AAFP has designated the week of Monday-Friday, August 21-25, as Pick Your Pace Week.
There’s good reason for this final push as the clock winds down on the QPP transition year — the only year that participants will have the opportunity to decide the speed at which they enter the program.
Remember, physicians who want to achieve full participation in the program in 2017 only have until Monday, October 2, that’s roughly seven weeks from now, to begin collecting 90 consecutive days’ worth of data to report for the year.
Other options are test participation and partial participation in the program, both of which also require some action from physicians.
So, take advantage of these upcoming learning opportunities to get ready for value-based payment in the not-so-distant future.